Missouri Gravel Bed Plants

Missouri Gravel Bed Trees for Syracuse and the Greater Central New York Area

We are proud to be the leading provider of Missouri Gravel Beds trees for the Central New York area. We grow a wide diversity of trees to suit the needs of your next project.

  • Many native tree varieties
  • Shade trees
  • Assorted flowering trees
  • Small to medium "under the wire" trees
  • Large trees for parks, backyards and open areas
  • Resilient trees for rugged urban conditions.

Our Missouri Gravel Bed trees are most commonly 1.5” in diameter, measured 6" up from the root flare, but we often have smaller and larger sizes available.

Please review our 2025 tree list, then call us for an updated price list.

Talk With Us Before Your Next Large Tree Planting Project

Rare Earth Nursery is particularly well-suited for fulfilling the needs of landscapers, municipalities or contractors with sizable planting projects.

On some occasions, we can accommodate homeowners with their small planting projects, but please call us in advance to ensure availability.

We Also Do Contract Growing

If there are plants you would like us to grow for next season please let us know. It's best if you notify us by fall, but requests right up to March can often be filled.